
Шенкер ЕООД стартира кампания “По-добре с DB Schenker“

Шенкер ЕООД стартира кампания “По-добре с DB Schenker“

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CASE introduces new styling and livery

 CASE introduces new styling and livery   

Turin, 19 January 2017

 CASE Construction Equipment has renewed the livery on its products to reflect the values of the brand including its practical, hands-on approach. The new styling is part of CASE’s strategy to further strengthen the CASE brand and consolidate its position in all markets. Key steps in this strategy include new agreements with Sumitomo and Hyundai Heavy Industries and the redevelopment and rebranding of the San Mauro and Lecce plants to create the CASE European Excavator and Wheeled Equipment Hubs.

CASE 321F 

The new styling and livery, which were developed in collaboration with CNH Industrial’s Design Centre, make a strong brand statement.  The 2D CASE lettering of the decals uses the same font as the brand logo for consistency, while the reflective white colour makes the brand name and model number much easier to read from a distance. They not only increase the brand’s visibility on the machines; they are also consistent with the CASE values of being direct and to the point. The new Power Abe metallic badge is proudly displayed on every machine, celebrating the CASE brand’s rich heritage and looking forward to the future. The new dark grey colour of the lower part of the machines confers a greater sense of solidity and strength. Careful attention was also devoted to the machines’ interiors, which have been renewed to create a styling specific to CASE that is shared by all models – from the common seat design to the dashboard and interior colours.


David Wilkie, Director CNH Industrial Design Centre explained: “Our aim with this project was, on the exterior, to create a design language that reflects solidity and precision, while giving a look specific to the CASE brand that reflects its history and its values and that is common to all models.

mini exc interiorOn the interior Design our aim was to use our experience to improve the comfort and quality of life on board by the use of specially developed seat trim and materials. While the interior trim colours have been modernized to give a contemporary feel, we wanted to create a strong family feeling across the product line-up.”


Please visit our website to download text, high-resolution image files and videos related to this press release (jpg 300 dpi, CMYK): www.casecetools.com/press-kit


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CASE Construction Equipment sells and supports a full line of construction equipment around the world, including the No. 1 loader/backhoes, excavators, motor graders, wheel loaders, vibratory compaction rollers, crawler dozers, skid steers, compact track loaders and rough-terrain forklifts. Through CASE dealers, customers have access to a true professional partner with world-class equipment and aftermarket support, industry-leading warranties and flexible financing. More information is available at www.CASEce.com.

CASE Construction Equipment is a brand of CNH Industrial N.V., a World leader in Capital Goods listed on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE: CNHI) and on the Mercato Telematico Azionario of the Borsa Italiana (MI: CNHI). More information about CNH Industrial can be found online at www.cnhindustrial.com.


For more information contact:


Lynn Campbell (TLC pr for ALARCON & HARRIS)

 Tel: +44 (0) 1704 566354

 Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.




